October 30, 2008

5 Days To Go!

I cannot begin to tell you how busy it is at Black Youth Vote! We have been working tirelessly to prepare for our upcoming Post-Election Press Briefing on 12th November, 2008 at the National Press Club. We will have Jeff Johnson from B.E.T. who will moderate, Rev. Yearwood, Hip Hop Caucus, Kemba Smith, Kemba Smith Foundation, and many more young activists and mobilizers who will talk about the many issues that faced our election season as well as where do we go after election day.

We have to hold our leaders accountable after election and especially during the first 100 days in office. If they are going to make changes and do what they said they are going to do, it will be then - during the first 100 days. So, Black Youth Vote! encourages everyone to not only vote, but segway into high gear for post-election activity and participation.

Most importantly, make sure that you vote on 4th November. Make history!

October 23, 2008

Black Youth Vote! and GOTV

12 Days To Go!

It's crunch time and the Election of the century and possibly of all time is nearing on 4th November. We are pressing hard here at the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation. Part of our GOTV efforts are focusing directly on what you need to know before you go to the polls. You may have heard these before, but as I was reading The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein, I could not help but notice my bookmark featuring five things you need to know before you go the polls. Well here they are one more time.

1. VERIFY your Registration Status BEFORE Election Day – Make sure you are listed on the registration roll by calling your local Board of Elections.

2. VERIFY your polling location before ELECTION Day. Call 1-866-MYVOTE1

3. BRING YOUR I.D. Don’t Leave Home Without It! To be safe, bring your voter registration card, driver’s license, government issued photo ID. If you have problems voting call Election Protection @ 1-866-OUR-VOTE.

4. VERIFY the date and location to vote early or absentee in your state @ www.blackcampaign.org then VOTE FIRST!

5. Be a part of history – VOTE FIRST!
– After you cast your ballot, text “blackyouthvote” to 69302.

VOTE NOV. 4, 2008

I cannot stress enough how absolutely difficult it will be on election day to vote. I am preparing my absentee ballot because I will not be able to go to the polls on that day, I have my reasons. If you cannot get the polls, you need to either vote early or by absentee ballot. Consider it fast and check with your local Board of Elections or Secretary of State to get more information or visit our Election Center at www.ncbcp.org

October 22, 2008


Please Save-The-Date for the upcoming Black Youth Vote! Civic Leadership Training Conference in Washington, D.C. this November 13 - 15 as we deal with post-election issues and of course, a brand new president of the United States. No matter who that is, we are going to have to hold him or her accountable -- anything can happen to John McCain and Palin could also be the next president. The conference will kick-off with a Black Youth Vote! National Press Club Symposium on November 12, 2008 from 12-3 p.m. You will need to R.S.V.P. to blackyouthvote@ncbcp.org. Registration for the conference will be primarily on-line and will be available soon. I will keep you posted. Thanks for reading the blogspot and please leave a comment. Give yourself a voice on this BYV! blogspot.

October 16, 2008

Bow Wow Finishes Strong in Connecticut, Virginia Sees Surge in New Registrations

Bow Wow finished his Walk Across America Tour in Hartford, Connecticut yesterday. His 15 city tour included Washington, D.C., New York, Boston, Orangeburg, Richmond, Philly, Charlotte, and had a great launch in Atlanta at the CNN Center. Black Youth Vote! was on hand to vigorously support the launch and the overall tour. Thanks to the amazing partnership with Bow Wow, Black Youth Vote! continues to have a stake in the record registration of youth ages 18-35 in the United States.

For instance, according to the Virginia State Board of Elections, "about 60 percent of the newly registered voters are under the age of 34." There are an additional 436,000 more registered voters than the previous election. Virginia now has a record 5m people registered, mostly in democrat strongholds. This is an example of not only an agressive campaign by candidates, but by "other outside groups to register new voters" reports the state Board of Elections of Virginia.

October 09, 2008

Bow Takes to the Road - Charlotte and Greensboro

Bow Wow is in Charlotte for a radio interview and will be in Greensboro, North Carolina at 12 Noon in the Student Center on the campus of North Carolina A&T. We will then visit Bennett College for Women at 2:00 p.m. Bow Wow is kicking off his pledge phase of his Walk Across America Tour for those who already registered. Bow Wow is asking that you do several things for your pledge commitment.

1) pledge to educate yourself to the best of your ability on the issues relevant to your community.

2) pledge to verify with your local Board of Elections that your voter registration information is updated and your name is on the voting rolls.

3) pledge to verify your poll location by calling 1.866.MYVOTE.1

4) pledge to VOTE on November 4th 2008

5) pledge to diligently monitor any election irregularities which may occur at my polling location and report them to 1.866.MYVOTE.1

Look out and ask for a Pledge Card when you see Bow today and along the Walk Across America Tour.

Folks, Election 2008 is serious and that's why Bow Wow is taking the time to visit over 13 states in order to bring awareness to the Election as well as get young people registered and pledging to vote. Let's make 2008 count.

October 08, 2008

BYV! Busy in the United States

Black Youth Vote! is definitely busy throughout the United States. Jeff Johnson Birmingham, Alabama on October 6 and it was a great success. Jeff received a presidential welcome from the crowd there and from BYV! coordinators. Our hats are off to Sheila and LaTosha for leading the effort in Alabama.

Bow Wow will restart his campaign across America tomorrow by visiting Bennett and North Carolina A&T in North Carolina. I will be blogging from the tour as usaul. Again, for more information and some awesome videos, please check out princebow.com.

If you will be in the upcoming tour areas and want to volunteer please email blackyouthvote@ncbcp.org. Especially in Boston, Hartfor, Connecticut and New York City.

Talk to you soon.

October 06, 2008

Bow and BYV! in Mobile, Alabama's BayFest

The anticipation to Bow Wow's performance at BayFest was felt even in the hotel where we stayed. What we didn't know was that there were over 10,000 screaming fans waiting for Bow just two blocks away. When Bow took the stage his fans screamed to the top of their lungs and I hadn't seen anything like it from my direction. Bow wanted me to record his entire show while on stage. He performed for one hour and 15minutes. When he got to the end, he made the most awesome speech about voter registration and awareness of the approaching election on November 4. I know he inspired those in the crowd because I was totally ready to vote at that moment. To see this amazing speech just scroll down until you reach the video screen or go to princebow.com. We are uploading videos at least three times a day.

We are taking a couple of days off so that Bow can work on special projects and pick up our tour on Thursday in Greensboro, North Carolina. Until then, please register to vote if it is not too late. How will you know if it is late or not, go to ncbcp.org Election Center. The information is there for you.

I cannot wait to get back on tour to help spread Bow's message of getting out the vote. Talk to you soon.

October 05, 2008

Richmond Takes Bow Wow Down Memory Lane on Walk Across America

I knew when we reached the 2nd Street Festival in Richmond it was going to be an historic walk. This festival had the remininsce of Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald. Their mark was indellibly left on 2nd Street and the city of Richmond. Bow Wow arrived at approximately 11:45 a.m. Things were just getting started. We actually made it earlier than the festival opened. Bow's mission was to get people up early and out to make a difference. We were also greeted by Black Youth Vote! Coordinator, Kemba Smith, her son Amani and a host of volunteers who were taking voter registrations.

Black Youth Vote! was able to get a few people registered on the spot. Bow's presence could not be mistaken for any other reason. He was there to bring awareness to those who would be voting in the November election that their vote counts. He spoke atop a stage that housed a jazz band that gave us a chance to make an announcement while they break. It was simply humbling.

Bow told the crowd of about 100 or so festival goers that registering to vote was important. Kemba told the audience that she could not vote because of her prior conviction, but even after receiving executive clemency from former president Bill Clinton she still could not vote. For the Kemba's story go to http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A46891-2000Feb13.html

Our next stop was the football game between St. Paul at Virginia Union University. We arrived just in time for Bow Wow to make the coin toss, but not before honouring our troops with the singing of the National Anthem. We were quickly in and out to make the game between North Carolina Central University and North Carolina A&T in Charlotte, North Carolina. We made the halftime game within eleven minutes just before Bow Wow and me were to address the crowd on the importance of voting. His reception in North Carolina was overwhelming. His fans were so appreciative of him showing up. He actually detoured from his original trip because he was supposed to go directly to Mobile, Alabama.

Well, here we are. We just arrived in Mobile, Alabama and it's 7:03 a.m. CST. Bow is performing this afternoon at the Bayfest Festival. See you there.

October 04, 2008

How About That City o Brotherly Love - Bow Takes Philly By Storm

Wow! That's all I have to say. From the moment we arrived in Philly, the city was on full notice. Bow is consistently getting his message across that registering is not only important, but simply a civic duty. He continually mentions that he is 21 and a first-time voter. As the National Black Youth! Coordinator I could not agree with him more. The more I spend time with him helping to deliver his message across America the more I am committed to being more innovative in how we get that message out there to our youth and hopefully the youth are getting it to the parents, etc.

Bow started his day by going to a few radio stations and then he went to Sneaker Villa on 56th and Market Street. You can see his trip there by going to princebow.com or scrolling down on this blog spot and looking at his direct streaming footage as he travels -- Kyte, new technology. We will talk about that later -- what an interesting device.

We were able to register a few people at Sneaker Villa. Now, although we did not register many people, this is my take. If we register just one person that is one more than we had before. If we take a look at Florida which was decided by very few votes, I believe 387 or something like that for president of the United States. Don't tell me one doesn't count. We have to register as many as we can. That's been Bow's message. His life has taken on new meaning and that meaning is something that has inspired young people to get up and get registered.

To close down Philly, Bow went on Radio One and then closed down the Fox News 29 -- Last Word show. I could not help but notice how articulate he was on that show and the more he knows everyday as he relays his message.

Now, we are headed to Richmond where we will be visiting Virginia Union and the 2nd Street Festival. I hope that we will see you there.

Next Stop Richmond and then Charlotte.

October 03, 2008

Walk Across America Visits Claflin and South Carolina State

Claflin and South Carolina State University was simply amazing. Thanks to so many people on our team who made our visit to these two universities a success. On the Black Youth Vote! side, thanks to Deven Anderson, BYV! Coordinator in North Carolina. He is a graduate of SCSU and did not hesitate to help us out by contacting all of his friends and confidants to make sure we arrived with support for Bow Wow's Walk Across America tour. A special shout out to Julian Pettus and Jake Kale with Declare Yourself for their advanced lead and to all of those BYV! volunteers who helped to set up registration on both campuses. You truly understand that our vote is more important now more than ever. Lastly, thanks to everyone at those two campuses for giving breath to this great cause.

Registration wasn't the only important issue though. Everyone wanted to know about the tee-shirt and paraphernalia business. This is what we told them. It is important to know the laws in your state. It is best not to wear clothes that can be confused with campaigning for a candidate. Poll workers could very well try to deny you entrance into a polling station. It is better to be safe than sorry though. Wear your shirts either before or after you vote at your polling station. This is what Bow Wow's tour is about - awareness and Black Youth Vote! as a part of a national coalition supports this message. Educate yourself. Go to www.ncbcp.org or call 1.866.MYVOTE1 and ask the attorneys. It only takes a few moments.

Until next time.

Ride Through America to Walk Across America with Bow Wow

It's Will Kellibrew again. Obviously, some of this trip we cannot walk. We had a pretty good ride so far. We left Atlanta, Georgia around 1:00 a.m. and we are moving right up the road. Now, we are in Raleigh, North Carolina with the Bow Wow team. Bow just happens to be slightly sleep right now, but getting rest because Philly is going to be simply busy. A few minutes ago, a few of us woke up to the morning cold that has seeped its way onto the bus. But, that wont stop us. This will be our third city where Bow is working hard to spread the message about the importance of voter registration as well as Getting Out The Vote (G.O.T.V.).

I was wondering how Bow became so informed about what is happening in our country though and why he is so passionate about his Walk Across America. What makes someone want to walk across this country when he can put his message out there in so many other ways? Well, one good reason is CNN has been on all night long. We have been listening to the political pundits and reporters assess the vice presidential debate. At 21, he realizes that now more than ever, who we elect as our leaders will actually affect our lives in some way. How do I know? Well, he talks about it constantly. He is concerned. Bow Wow actually informed his manager one day that he wanted to make a difference in this election. He proposed to walk across America and that's all his manager Michael Mauldin needed to hear. Michael ran with Bow Wow's vision and here we are just a few weeks later - Walking Across America.

We will see you in Philly soon and thanks for tuning in. I will be sure to keep you updated with the trip. Bow Wow will definitely be giving updates not only on this blog spot, but on his website, www.princebow.com.

For more information about this election go to our Election Center at www.ncbcp.org and get more civically engaged by understanding your vote. Again, see you soon in Philly. We are out!

October 02, 2008

Special Guest - Bow Wow!!!

This is William again with Black Youth Vote! I have a special guest with me. Actually, I am his guest. We are on his tour bus as a part of his Walk Across America Tour. We just left Claflin University and South Carolina State University where Bow Wow walked both campuses to influence his peers to register to vote, protect their vote by understanding the laws and then Vote! So, I will proceed with a brief discussion with Bow Wow.

William: First Bow, how do you feel about what you are doing to influence your peers?

Bow Wow: I feel really good and I feel like this is something I should really be doing because I am a voice and a leader for the youth; therefore, I am taking initiative to take on the responsibility. This is coming from the heart.

William: As I travel with you I have really been amazed at how receptive your fans are. They have really come out to support you. Have you been surprised about the outpouring of support you have received?

Bow Wow: Crazy! lot of fun going to these universities. Turnouts have been massive, students are grabbing hold to every word I am saying. The reaction on the campus, students and others showing a lot of love - definitely taking all my advice in. It's just been a very humbling and exciting experience talking with my peers. We are going to keep on rocking and rolling along the journey.

William: I just have one more question Bow since I like to keep these blogs pretty short and sweet. What is one thing that you want your fans and those who you influence to remember about you as you travel the country on your Walk Across America Tour?

Bow Wow: That Bow Wow took the time out of his schedule to think about us and to share his opinion. It shows that he really cares. It's not just about the movies and music, but making a difference. This is my own dime and my own time with the help of organisations like Black Youth Vote and Declare Yourself. Go Vote!!!

William: Thanks a lot for the exclusive interview. I am privileged to be sitting here with you on this historic movement. Brother, you are definitely keeping it real and doing the right thing. Let's keep it moving.

Bow Wow's Walk Across America Live Feed From Bow Wow

Black Youth Vote! Walks With Bow Wow

Wow! What a turn out! Black Youth Vote! Georgia knows how to organize. I must say that I was truly impressed with LaTosha and Helen for turning up the heat and mobilizing here in Atlanta. This is my first time organizing on this level for any election. These veterans showed me a thing or two. My hat goes off to them. For those who do not know, LaTosha and Helen represent the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation in Atlanta. Black Youth Vote! is an amazing program within the Coalition. We could not do what we do without being a coalition. (For more information on the coalition go to www.ncbcp.org. Don't forget to visit our Election Center.)

Kicking off the Walk Across America Voter Registration Initiative was definitely "hot". Black Youth Vote! young volunteers showed up in great numbers ready to walk. Everyone was anticipating Bow Wow to show up at any moment. There he was, across the street, on the horizon. Pretty cool. He did a few television and radio interviews and then the walk began.

We made stops at Georgia State led by Grace, a student, who showed us where the student hot spots were. It was pretty amazing to see folks being registered there. Grace grabbed the megaphone and just started chanting and encouraging students to register to vote. Bow Wow sat on a railing and just talked to students as if he attended the institution. It didn't take long for students to come over and get involved. We left on the next leg of our trip.

We stopped through to Georgia Tech where Matt led us through the campus. It was a huge campus and we lost our police escort. So, naturally, we used the bullhorn to make siren sounds. We met up with our escort again and Bow Wow thought of something cool, Tacos. We ate tacos and chips along the way. We finished at the CNN Center where we began about 8 miles earlier. We were off to Clark Atlanta from there.

By later afternoon, Clark Atlanta, Morehouse and Spelman were "jumpin". Jordan met us at the corner of MLK and James P Brawley Drive. Bow Wow did his usual - interviews. He let the public know that he was walking to bring awareness to the issues in our country as well as encourage voter registration and the importance of voting early. Georgians were voting yesterday in an amazing move to vote early.

The walk through Clark Atlanta was definitely memorable. Students received Bow Wow extremely well. This walk was the slowest. With so many people interested in his cause, we could hardly walk fast. We arrived at Morehouse to attend Hump Wednesdays - where students from all three schools were gathered to listen to a DJ spin and get valuable information about upcoming events, etc. It was time to introduce Bow Wow, so Michael instructed me to grab the mic and get the party started. For those who do not know, Michael is truly the hardest working man in the business. What business? Any business. My hat goes of to Michael Mauldin too and Billie Bragg is not far behind him.

We gave a shout out to CASA, an activities group responsible for putting on the event every Wednesday. It was great seeing the comraderie and a good friend Christian Perry who heads up the event.

After talking about Declare Yourself and Black Youth Vote! it was time to introduce the guy with the vision - Bow Wow. This guy is totally humble. He doesn't want to take credit or disrupt the party. He simply wants to bring awareness. We can all respect that. He sat behind me and told me to let everybody know that we just finished walking 8 miles. That was important. We just did not show up at the AUCenter without putting in some work. Bow Wow grabbed the mic, spoke about his message and stayed around for an informal dance competition or showcase. After a few photos taken with CASA and a few high school students who walked with him, we were off.

The excitement for the day was great. We looked back on the day with a complete smile, but definitely 8 miles later we were all exhausted. I can speak for myself. But, I would not have changed one thing about yesterday. See you in South Carolina as we visit Claflin and South Carolina State University.

October 01, 2008

Let the Walk Begin

Today is the first leg of Bow Wow's Walk Across America Voter Registration Initiative. He will begin his walk in Atlanta, GA on October 1st, Walk Across America will take Bow Wow and other citizens who are excited about the 2008 elections to cities across the United States in an effort to encourage people, especially the youth, to participate in the contests happening this November and the political process overall. For more information go to Bow Wow's website www.bowwow87.com.