October 05, 2008

Richmond Takes Bow Wow Down Memory Lane on Walk Across America

I knew when we reached the 2nd Street Festival in Richmond it was going to be an historic walk. This festival had the remininsce of Duke Ellington and Ella Fitzgerald. Their mark was indellibly left on 2nd Street and the city of Richmond. Bow Wow arrived at approximately 11:45 a.m. Things were just getting started. We actually made it earlier than the festival opened. Bow's mission was to get people up early and out to make a difference. We were also greeted by Black Youth Vote! Coordinator, Kemba Smith, her son Amani and a host of volunteers who were taking voter registrations.

Black Youth Vote! was able to get a few people registered on the spot. Bow's presence could not be mistaken for any other reason. He was there to bring awareness to those who would be voting in the November election that their vote counts. He spoke atop a stage that housed a jazz band that gave us a chance to make an announcement while they break. It was simply humbling.

Bow told the crowd of about 100 or so festival goers that registering to vote was important. Kemba told the audience that she could not vote because of her prior conviction, but even after receiving executive clemency from former president Bill Clinton she still could not vote. For the Kemba's story go to http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A46891-2000Feb13.html

Our next stop was the football game between St. Paul at Virginia Union University. We arrived just in time for Bow Wow to make the coin toss, but not before honouring our troops with the singing of the National Anthem. We were quickly in and out to make the game between North Carolina Central University and North Carolina A&T in Charlotte, North Carolina. We made the halftime game within eleven minutes just before Bow Wow and me were to address the crowd on the importance of voting. His reception in North Carolina was overwhelming. His fans were so appreciative of him showing up. He actually detoured from his original trip because he was supposed to go directly to Mobile, Alabama.

Well, here we are. We just arrived in Mobile, Alabama and it's 7:03 a.m. CST. Bow is performing this afternoon at the Bayfest Festival. See you there.

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